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Still have questions? I have answered the most commonly asked questions about my
'1-40 Piano Course' below:
Why is Alison's course so differernt to what else is out there? I still don't get it?Ok, so in a nutshell, I have written an easy to understand and learn-at-home books series that are accompanied by video lessons should you want or need them. I do not believe in websites that claim you can learn to play the piano in 30 or 21 days or less for example or even in other websites that claim to teach you via apps where you basically learn by rote. I believe in teaching you THE SKILLS needed to learn the piano properly yourself in the comfort of your own home. No professional pianist, piano master or even Elton John learned to play the piano in less than 30 days or with the use of app style teaching, so why would you? Yes, you will be able to play a song or two to impress your friends within 30 days or via these 'apps', but should you want to play other music, or if a friend asks you to play another song and hands you the music, you will not know what to do with it and end up embarrassing yourself. My way will take a little while longer, but you know it will be the correct and proper way and in the long run, you will possess skills that will truly be the envy of all your friends! ​ Basically what I'm offering, is high end 'traditional classical piano lessons' that you associate with child prodigies or other high calibre classical musicians. The kind of piano lessons you would NEVER dream were for you, or you could ever afford... I'm offering you all this in a much more modern, fun, condensed and ONLINE way for you to learn and this is the difference is between the 'quick fix' way to learn (30 days or less/apps etc) and the proper and skilled way to learn.
Why is Alison's 1-40 Piano Course so cheap - it sounds too good to be true?I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn regardless of their background or how much money they have. The books have been priced competitively to ensure that even someone on the smallest budget can afford the books and learn. ​ The Gold Package, you only have to pay for the books as the videos are free (linked in the books) and you would have to buy a book to learn any instrument, so for as little as $69.99, you are getting substantially more than the face value they are being sold for. You can, if you wish, opt to go for the Platinum Package, which does offer you more benefits.
I'm too old to learn the piano. It's only for kids right?Wrong! There is absolutely no truth in this whatsoever! Whilst I will admit that professional piano masters started when they were very young, unless you want to follow in their footsteps, there is absolutely NO minimum age to start the piano. ​ All you need is time, some effort, the will to want to learn and of course my '1-40 Piano Course'! What are you waiting for??!!
What happens once I purchase a Package?Once you have selected the package that best suits you, you will be taken to my secure online shop (https// where you will complete the purchase and download the books and files. You can download the books from your account at any time, within 1 year from the date of purchase. ​ If you have purchased the 'Platinum Package' you will need to email me from your account to receive your personal 20% discount code for my shop. ​ After you have downloaded the books, you can either print them out yourself at home, view them on your computer, laptop or tablet etc, or take them to your local printers who will print and bind them for very little money.
How long will it take me to get through all the lessons?This is an impossible question to answer - how long is a piece of string? ​ Everyone learns differently and at different paces compared to the next person, so it is impossible to compare one student to another or even find out what the yardstick for measurement is. So, in answer to the question; it takes as long as it takes. ​ Remember that as an adult, you probably don't and won't always have the same time each day to dedicate learning the piano, so the beauty of this online course is that you really do learn in your own time with no pressures. ​ There is no time limit on any of this and there is certainly no hurry to get to the end! Rushing through the course will lead to sloppiness and poor performance, so it is better to learn at your own pace and move on when you feel ready.
I already learned a little piano many years ago so I don't want to start from scratch. Is the '1-40 Piano Course' still for me?Absolutely! My course is not only for the complete beginner, but for those who: - either already have a litlte knowledge of music/piano, or - want a quick refresher without starting from scratch. If this is the case for you, I would suggest you either take a look at the free videos to see where you feel you fit in best, go in at Learn To Play The Piano Book 2 and just bypass book 1. By opting for the Platinum Package, you will still beneft from all the other extra options you have available to you such as email assistance with me and over 70 sheets of music to get you going.
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